What Makes Novak Djokovic So Good at Tennis? [What a Pro Says]

Novak Djokovic, a Serbian professional tennis player, has made his mark as one of the greatest players in the history of the sport.

Known for his relentless consistency, exceptional return of serve, and mental toughness, Djokovic has dominated the world of tennis for over a decade.

But what exactly makes him so exceptional?

Let’s look into the factors that contribute to his extraordinary prowess.

We also have a video in the article showing what a pro says about Djokovic’s exceptional skill at tennis.

Unparalleled Consistency

One of Djokovic’s most notable attributes is his consistency.

He is incredibly reliable in producing high-quality shots under pressure and maintaining his level of play throughout a match.

This consistency is a result of his outstanding footwork, balance, and exceptional ability to read his opponent’s game.

These qualities allow him to position himself perfectly for every shot, leading to fewer unforced errors.

What Makes Novak Djokovic So Good at Tennis?

Exceptional Return of Serve

Djokovic is widely considered one of the best returners in the history of tennis.

He has an uncanny ability to neutralize even the most powerful serves, transforming a defensive situation into an offensive one.

His reflexes, anticipation, and hand-eye coordination contribute to this extraordinary skill, turning what is often a weakness for other players into one of his greatest strengths.

Here’s a first-hand account of someone (Marcel Ilhan) who played Djokovic explaining what makes him so special at tennis:

Marcel also shared his account of what makes Nadal so good at clay here.

With Djokovic, Marcel especially mentioned Djokovic’s flexibility.

Master of Adaptation

Djokovic’s ability to adapt his game to different opponents and conditions is another key aspect of his success.

He can switch between aggressive and defensive play styles as the situation requires, and he is equally comfortable on all surfaces, having won Grand Slam titles on hard courts, clay, and grass.

His tactical intelligence and versatility make him a formidable opponent in any situation.

Mental Toughness

Perhaps the most underrated aspect of Djokovic’s game is his mental toughness.

Tennis is as much a mental game as it is physical, and Djokovic’s psychological strength is second to none.

He is known for his ability to stay focused under pressure, to bounce back from adversity, and to perform at his best when it matters the most.

His mental resilience has been a crucial factor in his most memorable victories.

Physical Conditioning

Last but not least, Djokovic’s physical conditioning is a major part of his success.

His endurance, strength, and flexibility allow him to outlast his opponents in long matches, and his attention to nutrition and recovery strategies ensures that he is always in peak condition.

Djokovic’s commitment to his physical fitness is a testament to his professionalism and dedication to the sport.

What Makes Novak Djokovic So Good at Tennis?


Novak Djokovic’s success can be attributed to a combination of factors: his unparalleled consistency, exceptional return of serve, ability to adapt, mental toughness, and physical conditioning.

These attributes have made him a dominant force in tennis and a true inspiration to players and fans alike.

FAQS – What Makes Novak Djokovic So Good at Tennis?

What is the basis of Novak Djokovic’s game style?

Novak Djokovic’s game is based on a combination of precision, agility, mental toughness, and endurance.

He is known for his exceptional baseline play, with precise shot-making and the ability to hit winners from both wings.

His groundstrokes are generally flat and penetrating, making it difficult for opponents to return them effectively.

How does Djokovic’s serve contribute to his success?

While Djokovic’s serve might not be as powerful as some other players’, it’s incredibly accurate and consistent.

His ability to place his serve in difficult positions for opponents allows him to start points on his terms.

He also possesses a reliable second serve, which mitigates the risk of double faults.

How does Djokovic’s return game set him apart from other players?

Djokovic’s return of serve is often considered one of the best in tennis history.

He has an uncanny ability to read the server’s intentions and react quickly to neutralize powerful serves.

This skill often allows him to immediately put pressure on his opponent’s service games, creating break opportunities.

How does Djokovic’s fitness contribute to his tennis success?

Djokovic’s endurance and physical fitness are among his greatest strengths.

He is known for his ability to engage in long, grueling rallies and still maintain a high level of play, often outlasting his opponents.

His flexibility also allows him to reach and return balls that many other players would not be able to, reducing his number of unforced errors.

What role does mental strength play in Djokovic’s game?

Mental toughness is a key aspect of Djokovic’s success.

He is known for his ability to stay focused and calm under pressure, and to play his best tennis in critical moments of matches.

His mental resilience often enables him to turn matches around, even when he’s down in the score.

How does Djokovic’s strategic approach contribute to his performance?

Djokovic is often noted for his tactical intelligence.

He’s able to adapt his game plan based on the specific opponent, the court surface, and the conditions on the day of the match.

He understands his own strengths and weaknesses and tailors his strategy to exploit his opponent’s weaknesses while minimizing his own.

How has Djokovic’s diet impacted his game?

In 2010, Djokovic adopted a gluten-free diet, which he claims has greatly improved his health and performance.

He believes this dietary change has boosted his energy levels, helped his recovery, and contributed to his overall endurance on the court.

How does Djokovic’s backhand compare to other players?

Djokovic’s two-handed backhand is considered one of the best in the sport.

It’s characterized by its accuracy, power, and consistency.

He can hit it cross-court, down the line, or as a slice, and often uses it as a defensive weapon to turn around points.

What effect does Djokovic’s ability to play on different surfaces have on his success?

Djokovic’s ability to excel on all types of court surfaces — hard courts, clay, and grass — is a testament to his adaptability and skill.

This versatility has allowed him to win Grand Slam titles on all surfaces and to be competitive in every tournament he enters.

It’s a major factor in his impressive career longevity and success.

How does Djokovic’s training routine contribute to his success?

Djokovic is known for his intensive training regime, which includes not just on-court practice, but also physical conditioning, mental training, and diet management.

He often spends several hours a day practicing, followed by physical conditioning to improve his strength, agility, and endurance.

This comprehensive approach to training has contributed significantly to his consistency and success over the years.

What Is Djokovic’s Best Surface?

Novak Djokovic, one of the most accomplished tennis players of all time, has proven to be highly successful on multiple surfaces throughout his career.

However, his best and most dominant surface is generally considered to be hard court.

Djokovic has achieved remarkable success on hard courts, which are typically faster and provide a lower bounce compared to other surfaces.

He has won numerous titles on hard courts, including multiple Australian Open championships, US Open titles, and ATP Masters 1000 events held on hard courts.

His exceptional footwork, agility, and ability to defend and counterpunch from the baseline make him a formidable force on this surface.

That being said, Djokovic has also performed exceptionally well on other surfaces.

He has won multiple Wimbledon titles on grass, which requires a different style of play with a greater emphasis on serve-and-volley and quick reactions.

Djokovic has also demonstrated proficiency on clay courts, as evidenced by his French Open victories.

Although clay is generally considered his weakest surface in terms of overall record, he has still achieved significant success, including winning the career Grand Slam by capturing the French Open title.

Overall, Djokovic’s versatility and adaptability have allowed him to excel on various surfaces, but his dominance on hard courts has been particularly impressive throughout his career.

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