how to throw a curveball

How to Throw a Curveball (Professional Tips)

Throwing a curveball is one of the most effective and exciting pitches in baseball.

It can deceive batters with its unpredictable movement, making it a valuable weapon for pitchers.

However, mastering the art of throwing a curveball requires practice, technique, and understanding of the physics behind it.

Below we’ll look at the step-by-step process of throwing a curveball, discuss different grip variations, and provide tips to improve your curveball.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced pitcher looking to refine your skills, this guide will help you become a curveball specialist.

The Basics: Understanding the Mechanics

Before diving into the specifics of throwing a curveball, it is essential to understand the basic mechanics behind it.

A curveball is a breaking pitch that moves in a downward and lateral direction, creating a curve-like trajectory.

The movement is primarily caused by the spin applied to the ball by the pitcher.

When a pitcher throws a curveball, they apply topspin to the ball by snapping their wrist at release.

This topspin creates air pressure differences on the ball’s surface, causing it to break downward as it approaches the plate.

The lateral movement of the curveball is a result of the pitcher’s arm angle and release point.

Step-by-Step Guide to Throwing a Curveball

Now that we have a basic understanding of the mechanics, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of throwing a curveball:

Step 1: Grip the Ball

The grip is crucial for throwing a curveball effectively.

There are several grip variations, but the most common one is the “12-6” grip:

  • Place your middle finger and index finger on top of the ball, positioning them across the seams.
  • Curve your fingers slightly, creating a “C” shape with your hand.
  • Your thumb should be placed directly underneath the ball, providing support.

Experiment with different grip variations to find the one that feels most comfortable and allows you to generate the desired spin.

Step 2: Arm Position and Release

Proper arm position and release are crucial for generating the desired spin and movement on the curveball:

  • Start with your arm in a cocked position, with your elbow at a 90-degree angle.
  • As you begin your throwing motion, focus on keeping your wrist loose and relaxed.
  • As you release the ball, snap your wrist downward, applying topspin to the ball.

Remember to maintain a consistent arm slot and release point to ensure accuracy and deception.

Step 3: Practice and Repetition

Mastering the curveball requires practice and repetition.

Start by throwing slow, controlled curveballs to develop a feel for the pitch.

Focus on maintaining proper mechanics and grip consistency.

As you become more comfortable, gradually increase the speed and intensity of your throws.

It is essential to practice regularly to refine your technique and build muscle memory.

Incorporate curveballs into your bullpen sessions and simulated game situations to simulate real-game conditions.

Baseball Pitching Grips – How to Throw a Curveball

Tips to Improve Your Curveball

Now that you have a solid foundation, here are some tips to help you improve your curveball:

1. Focus on Finger Pressure

Experiment with different finger pressures to control the amount of spin and movement on your curveball.

Adjusting the pressure on your middle finger can alter the pitch’s break and trajectory.

2. Maintain Consistent Arm Speed

Consistency in arm speed is crucial for fooling batters with your curveball.

Try to match the arm speed of your fastball to maintain deception and keep the batter off balance.

3. Work on Your Release Point

Experiment with different release points to vary the movement and location of your curveball.

A higher release point can create a sharper downward break, while a lower release point can generate more lateral movement.

4. Use Your Body’s Momentum

Utilize your body’s momentum to generate power and spin on your curveball.

Proper hip rotation and weight transfer can add velocity and movement to your pitch.

5. Study and Learn from the Pros

Watch professional pitchers who excel at throwing curveballs.

Study their mechanics, grip variations, and release points.

Analyze their approach and incorporate their techniques into your own pitching style.

Major-Leaguers With the Best Curveball

Here are several professional baseball players known for their excellent curveballs:

  1. Sandy Koufax: A left-handed pitcher, Koufax played his entire 12-year career with the Brooklyn/Los Angeles Dodgers. He’s considered one of the greatest pitchers in the history of baseball, and his curveball was a big part of that reputation.
  2. Clayton Kershaw: Another Dodger, Kershaw’s curveball is often described as “nasty” because of its sharp break and ability to deceive hitters. The left-hander’s curveball has been a key part of his success.
  3. Barry Zito: Zito’s curveball was considered one of the best of his era. He used it to great effect during his time with the Oakland Athletics and San Francisco Giants, often making hitters look foolish as they swung and missed.
  4. Bert Blyleven: Known as “The Frying Dutchman,” Blyleven had a curveball that was widely considered the best of his era. He used it to rack up over 3,700 strikeouts in his career.
  5. Adam Wainwright: This right-handed pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals has used his curveball as a primary weapon throughout his career. His curveball is notable for its big 12-to-6 break (it moves like the hands on a clock from 12 to 6), and he often uses it to finish off hitters.

This list is subjective and dependent on the era in which the players pitched. Baseball has a long history with many great pitchers, each with their unique styles and signature pitches.

FAQs – How to Throw a Curveball

1. What is the best grip for a curveball?

The “12-6” grip is the most common and effective grip for a curveball.

Experiment with different grip variations to find the one that works best for you.

2. How can I increase the spin on my curveball?

To increase the spin on your curveball, focus on snapping your wrist downward at release.

Additionally, experimenting with finger pressure and grip variations can help generate more spin.

3. How do I control the break of my curveball?

Controlling the break of your curveball requires practice and fine-tuning.

Adjusting finger pressure, release point, and arm speed can help you control the pitch’s movement and location.

4. Can I throw a curveball without putting strain on my arm?

While throwing a curveball does put some strain on the arm, proper mechanics and conditioning can help minimize the risk of injury.

It is crucial to warm up adequately, maintain good overall arm health, and listen to your body to avoid overuse.

5. How long does it take to master the curveball?

Mastering the curveball takes time and practice.

It varies from person to person, but with consistent practice and dedication, you can start seeing improvements within a few months.

6. Can I throw a curveball at any age?

While the curveball is a more advanced pitch, it can be learned and thrown at any age.

However, it is essential for younger pitchers to develop proper mechanics and build arm strength before attempting to throw a curveball.

7. Should I throw a curveball in every count?

No, it is not necessary to throw a curveball in every count.

The element of surprise is crucial in pitching, so mixing up your pitches and keeping the batter off balance is essential.

Use the curveball strategically to catch batters off guard.

8. Can I throw a curveball as my primary pitch?

While it is possible to make the curveball your primary pitch, it is generally recommended to have a well-rounded repertoire of pitches.

Having multiple pitches at your disposal allows you to keep batters guessing and adapt to different situations.

9. How do I throw a curveball with more velocity?

To throw a curveball with more velocity, focus on generating power from your lower body.

Proper hip rotation and weight transfer can add velocity to your pitch.

Additionally, maintaining a loose and relaxed arm during the throwing motion can help maximize velocity.

10. Can I throw a curveball with different degrees of break?

Yes, you can throw a curveball with different degrees of break by adjusting your finger pressure, release point, and arm speed.

Experiment with these variables to achieve the desired movement and location of your curveball.


Throwing a curveball is a skill that requires practice, technique, and an understanding of the mechanics behind it.

By following the step-by-step guide and incorporating the tips mentioned in this article, you can improve your curveball and become a more effective pitcher.

Remember to experiment with different grip variations, focus on finger pressure, and maintain consistent mechanics.

With dedication and perseverance, you can master the art of throwing a curveball and add a powerful weapon to your pitching arsenal.


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