Why Do Fighters Fight Less frequently As They Get Deeper in Their Careers?

Mixed martial arts (MMA), boxing, and other combat sports have surged in popularity over the past few decades, bringing fighters into the spotlight.

These athletes are revered for their physical prowess, strategic mindset, and indomitable spirit.

Yet, as fighters delve deeper into their careers, many tend to reduce the frequency of their fights.

This phenomenon is multifaceted, involving aspects of physical wear and tear, financial considerations, strategic choices, and personal life balance.

Physical Wear and Tear

The Demanding Nature of Combat Sports

Fighting is inherently physically demanding.

From grueling training sessions to the intensity of the fight itself, combat sports put a significant strain on the body.

Over time, this accumulated physical stress can lead to injuries, requiring periods of rest and recovery.

The older an athlete gets, the longer these recovery periods tend to be, which naturally leads to less frequent fights.

Cumulative Injuries

With each fight, the risk of injury increases.

Naturally, as fighters get to the top of their sport, the gap in talent shrinks, which increases their injury risk.

Fighters are often faced with a variety of injuries ranging from minor cuts and bruises to more serious issues like broken bones, concussions, and torn ligaments.

As these injuries accumulate over time, they can have a long-term effect on a fighter’s health and readiness to fight, thus reducing the frequency of their fights.

Why Do Fighters Fight Less frequently As They Get Deeper in Their Careers?

Financial Considerations

Increased Pay With Progress

As fighters establish their careers and gain recognition, their earning potential often increases.

High-profile fighters can negotiate more lucrative contracts and earn more from sponsorships and pay-per-view shares.

This financial stability allows them to afford longer breaks between fights, focusing on their health and longevity in the sport.

Financial Planning and Retirement

As fighters age and their careers progress, they often start thinking more about their financial future.

Balancing their earning potential with the physical toll of fighting, many choose to fight less frequently to extend their career span and maximize their lifetime earnings.

Strategic Choices

Higher Stakes

As fighters move up in rankings, the stakes of each fight become higher.

A loss can significantly impact their standing and future opportunities.

This can lead to more cautious fight selection, choosing opponents strategically, and ensuring ample preparation time for each bout.

Legacy and Reputation

For many fighters, their legacy is as important as their immediate success.

Fighting less frequently allows them to carefully choose their battles and opponents, helping to shape their overall career narrative and protect their reputation in the sport.

Why Do Fighters Fight Less frequently As They Get Deeper in Their Careers?

Personal Life Balance

Family and Personal Life

As fighters grow older, their personal lives often become a bigger priority.

Starting families and focusing on life outside the ring can lead to a reduction in fight frequency.

The balance between professional ambitions and personal life becomes increasingly important.

Post-Career Planning & Other Career Opportunities

Many fighters begin to plan for life after their fighting career as they get deeper into their careers.

They also have more opportunities thrown their way.

This can involve starting a business, moving into coaching or commentary roles, or pursuing other interests.

These pursuits often require time and energy, leading to less frequent fights.

Why Do Fighters Fight Less frequently As They Get Deeper in Their Careers?


The decrease in fight frequency as fighters get deeper into their careers is a complex interplay of physical, financial, strategic, and personal factors.

Each fighter’s journey is unique, and their choices reflect their individual circumstances, goals, and values.

As fans and spectators, understanding these complexities can enrich our appreciation of the sport and the athletes who dedicate their lives to it.

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